I’ve finally seen my brother!

On the 3rd March 2022 me and my parents left for Turin to visit my biggest brother Francesco who attends university there and has to live in Turin for a few years.

When we arrived, we had lunch and after that we met Francesco and we went to our flat where we stayed for the three days that we were in Turin. In the afternoon we went for a walk to visit the city, like the Piazza Duomo and the long road with all the shops. And for dinner we ate in a Ligurian pizzeria and after that we returned home and we went to bed.

The second day we did some shopping at the supermarket because my mother wanted to prepare some Sicilian specialities for my brother. So we had lunch at home and in the afternoon we visited Parco del Valentino and we walked along the Po. After dinner we returned home and I watched some television with my brother before he had to go back home.

The third day  my parents and I went to church and we had lunch with Francesco in a typical Turinese restaurant, and in the afternoon we went to the basilica of Superga to visit it. Then we stayed in our flat to relax and spend time together until evening.

Finally, the last day I was not well so I couldn’t do so much but fortunately we only had to prepare our suitcases.  We had a quick lunch in a snack bar because we had to go to the airport, so we said goodbye to my brother and left to go home.

I was very very happy and excited for this trip because I could see my brother and visit the city where he lived after such a long time. Now I will see him in July and I cannot wait to hug him. I miss him sooooo much!

Image from creative commons

I have anxiety!

I have anxiety!

This is a sentence that teenagers including me use every day even in easy situations where there isn’t a reason to be anxious. I, in particular, since the month after the first lock-down,  started to be anxious in normal situations without a reason like when I had to decide what type of pasta I had to eat and I couldn’t decide or when I was in a shop, and I had to buy something. I started to be anxious and in the end I didn’t buy anything.

Unexpectedly, since the 27th March, when I went on stage after 3 years, I haven’t been  anxious so much, actually even for a school test or exam and now I don’t care about it like before and I’m more calm and I live life with more pleasure.

This book is so amazing!

Hiiiii 🖐 I must confess, I don’t read so much.  This autumn, to read a book that was about 150 pages, I took four month. I know, I know, I’m a very bad reader but now I’m trying to read another book and, for now, I think that I’m going better-I’m reading one chapter at day.

Apart that in total I probably have read five books,  there’s one in particular that I have read recently that’s called “Nel mare ci sono i Coccodrilli”. It’s the biography of an Afghan boy who, left from Afghanistan when he was six to search for a better country without wars and persecutions, to live with his mother.

He passes through Iran,Turkey, Greece and finally he’s able to arrive in Italy and now he lives here. In this book, the author, Fabio Geda, tells his own story and describes the different places and people who he met during the looong journey that takes him about seven or eight years.

This book is about the story of all the migrants that sacrifice and risk their lives to live in a better place or country. I recommend this book to all the people who want to see what’s happening to these poor folks. It’s very interesting and despite the fact it took me four months, at the last, I was very very very satisfied about my choice to read it.

Dance and sports I enjoy

Hii everyone✌ Since I was five, I’ve always danced. At first in a school with my cousins and my brother too, but when that school closed, I started to attend a new dance sDchool, the same where I go now.

In this new school I understand the real importance that dancing has for me: it’s a way to distract myself from what is happening around me and what makes me feel bad. In the last months we took part in some performances in Milazzo. For example this picture is from the performance of the 8th April, when me and my dance group  danced at Palazzo D’Amico in Milazzo.

Apart from dancing, I’ve always been attracted to other sports that I’ve never played seriously, but only for fun or in my free time with my family or my relatives, like basketball, football, tennis, ping pong, beach volley, etc… Sometimes me and my mom or my aunt go for a walk along the sea, otherwise, when there is a good day, me and my cousin go for a ride on our bikes.

Something that inspires me

I chose this quote because I think that what we want can’t happen in one second or by snapping our fingers.  Only  the moment we realize and decide what we want to do or to be in our lives is the moment that we change our thoughts completely.

The nights spent listening to music and thinking about what is happening around us, are the moments that help us to know and to understand what we want to do in our future.

Personally, I write down on paper what I want to do and then what I choose  to be the best person I can be and achieve my goals in life.

The 30th anniversary of Giovanni Falcone

Giovanni Falcone was a magistrate killed on the 23 May 1992 by the Sicilian mafia, a criminal organization that killed him because he wanted justice for their poor victims.

Giovanni Falcone,the judge murdered by the Mafia. THIS PHOTO IS NOT 'MY.

Source from creative commons

He wasn’t alone. There were other colleagues and friends like Paolo Borsellino who were fighting against the same thing. Giovanni wasn’t scared about the mafia and he continued up to the end to believe that he could imprison the mafia bosses. He didn’t surrender in spite of death threats.

I think we have to always remember people like Giovanni Falcone who sacrifice their lives to defend the truth and the innocent. When we think we can’t do what we believe in – we have to remember this person who never succumbed and died for the truth.

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